○● Tatsiana Tkachova

○● Tatsiana Tkachova ist eine unabhängige Journalistin, die mit Dokumentarfotografie, Video und Multimedia arbeitet. Ursprünglich stammt sie aus der Region Mogilev (Belarus) und lebt derzeit in Deutschland. Tatsiana schloss 2014 ihr Studium der Kulturwissenschaften an der Belarussischen Staatlichen Universität für Kultur und Künste und 2016 an der Akademie für Dokumentarfotografie und Fotojournalismus, Fotografika, in St. Petersburg, Russland, ab. Tatsiana Tkachova besuchte 2022 die internationale Klasse des Studiengang Visual Journalism and Documentary Photography an der Hochschule Hannover.

Der wichtigste Teil ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit ist persönlichen, langfristigen Projekten gewidmet, die sich mit den Rechten der Frauen befassen, insbesondere mit den Themen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt, Konflikte und Widerstand. Außerdem beschäftigt sich Tatsiana Tkachova mit Themen wie Grenzen, Identität und Isolation. 

Website von Tasiana Tkachova

My mom’s standing in the summer room, holding a tomato harvest that she’s collected. Green tomatoes my mom puts in a dark place under the bed where they start to ripen. Every year, Mom promises to herself that she won’t plant any more tomatoes because they don’t have time to turn red. Every year, she keeps planting them. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2019.
My mom’s standing in the summer room, holding a tomato harvest that she’s collected. Green tomatoes my mom puts in a dark place under the bed where they start to ripen. Every year, Mom promises to herself that she won’t plant any more tomatoes because they don’t have time to turn red. Every year, she keeps planting them. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2019. © Tatsiana Tkachova
This is the room I sleep in when I come to visit my mother. My mother folds the pillows as my grandmother and my great-grandmother used to do. It’s a traditional way of laying pillows in a village. Krasnopolye, Mogilev regi-on, Belarus, 2020.
This is the room I sleep in when I come to visit my mother. My mother folds the pillows as my grandmother and my great-grandmother used to do. It’s a traditional way of laying pillows in a village. Krasnopolye, Mogilev regi-on, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
My mom’s gonna wear a dress to go shopping. It’s hot outside, so she puts on her underwear and shoes first, then drinks coffee, smokes, and puts on a dress just before she leaves. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020.
My mom’s gonna wear a dress to go shopping. It’s hot outside, so she puts on her underwear and shoes first, then drinks coffee, smokes, and puts on a dress just before she leaves. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
Every winter I visit my mother for the holidays. Her birthday is January 1. We almost always spend these holi-days together. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020.
Every winter I visit my mother for the holidays. Her birthday is January 1. We almost always spend these holi-days together. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
My mother is standing outside the house where she lives. She’s going to go for water in the well. The first day after Orthodox Christmas, a lot of snow fell. It’s one of the first snowy winters in Krasnopolye lately. Krasnopo-lye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2021.
My mother is standing outside the house where she lives. She’s going to go for water in the well. The first day after Orthodox Christmas, a lot of snow fell. It’s one of the first snowy winters in Krasnopolye lately. Krasnopo-lye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2021. © Tatsiana Tkachova
A Christmas tree at my mom’s house. Every New Year, my mom decorates the Christmas tree she and my dad bought for my birthday; Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
A Christmas tree at my mom’s house. Every New Year, my mom decorates the Christmas tree she and my dad bought for my birthday; Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
This chandelier has been in the summer room of the house since my grandparents lived in the house. Krasnopo-lye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020.
This chandelier has been in the summer room of the house since my grandparents lived in the house. Krasnopo-lye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
My mom’s resting after work in the garden. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020.
My mom’s resting after work in the garden. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2020. © Tatsiana Tkachova
Flowers at my mom’s house. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2019.
Flowers at my mom’s house. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2019. © Tatsiana Tkachova
My Mother stands outside the house. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2021.
My Mother stands outside the house. Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, Belarus, 2021. © Tatsiana Tkachova

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